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Contact Information

San José State University

Reed Magazine


Dept. of English & Comparative Literature

One Washington Square
San José, CA  95192-0090

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How do I submit?

Submissions are accepted via Submittable, which is free for writers and easy to use. Go to the Submit tab on our website and click on the genre of your choice. You will then be directed to our Submittable page to either sign in or create a new account. General submissions are free.



When are submissions open?

Contest submissions for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction (including general) are open from June 1 to November 1. Non-contest (general) fiction and poetry submissions accepted from June 1 to October 1. All art submissions (contest and general) accepted from June 1 to December 1. 



​Do you accept simultaneous submissions?

Yes, but if your work it is accepted by another publication you must withdraw the submission from Reed. This can be done through your Submittable account.



​Do you accept translations?

Yes, we do accept translations of original literary work. Please submit both original language and translation.



Do you accept scholarly work?

No, we do not currently accept submissions of scholarly work. (Exception: Emerging Voices Contest for Santa Clara County high school students.)



Can I submit previously published work?

No. We accept unpublished original works only. (Note: prior appearance of work on one's personal website will not disqualify from publication in Reed Magazine.)



​Are there rules for what I can submit?

We accept fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art. Artwork should be at least 300 dpi, no more than five (5) pieces in your submission, and submitted in an easily accessible format such as .jpg. We ask that prose works be limited to 5,000 words, and that you include no more than five (5) poems in your submission. Further instructions can be found under the “Submit” tab, as well as on our Submittable page.



Do you have any contests?

Yes. Contest submissions are separate from general submissions and are a separate link on our Submittable page. We have contests for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. There is a reading fee to enter. Multiple contest submissions are allowed. All contest entrants receive one (1) free copy of the latest issue of Reed Magazine, and winners receive monetary prizes and publication. Contest submissions not selected for final judging may still be considered for publication in the magazine.



When are decisions made?

Publishing decisions are generally made in December. You will be notified via e-mail, and/or you can check your submission status on your Submittable account.



Who decides what gets published?

Each genre has a reading team of graduate and undergraduate students that goes through every piece very carefully. The teams then jointly decide which pieces should be published in the journal and/or online. Reed receives thousands of submissions each year and, unfortunately, we have to decline a lot of high-quality work.



Do you sell ad space in your magazine? If so, how can I get my ad published?

Yes. If you are interested in advertising with Reed, please contact us at

San José State University

Reed Magazine

Dept. of English & Comparative Literature

One Washington Square
San José, CA  95192-0090

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© 2014-2024 Reed Magazine, San José State University.

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